Cikgo enables teachers to scale good, personalised learning experiences up to their students.
Everyone learns differently, and teachers must cater to the needs of every student. This is why it's inherently hard to scale teaching up. Because as class sizes grow, the attention that each student gets decreases.
Educational psychologist Benjamin Bloom found that students with personal one-to-one tutoring performed 2 standard deviations better than big class teaching. But obviously, the problem is scale. This is what educators know as the 2-sigma problem.
Affective elements like empathy and emotional support are essential to effective teaching. Teachers who empathise with their students can better understand their needs and foster stronger teacher-student relationships. This promotes engagement and personal growth, enhancing the learning experience.
Providing this level of personalised, affective learning experience for everyone isn't scalable. Cikgo is a platform that delivers personalised learning at scale, inspired by real-life teacher-student interactions, supercharged by AI.
Let's see how Cikgo works to achieve this.
Teaching is like following a map, right?
You start somewhere,
you ask some questions to check their understanding,
and their answer determines where the lesson goes next.
Some gets a detour for reinforcements...
some continue straight with the lesson.
So, it's like choose-your-own-adventure, y'know?
And this is exactly how your lessons will look like in Cikgo.
This is the Storyboard, where you can design your entire learning experience.
And your students will see this.
Just keep scrolling, this is a demo after all.
They'll follow your lessons step-by-step, just like you're there with them.
And powering this experience is an intelligent engine that...
looks after your students,
Unlike typical learning chatbots, Cikgo doesn't wait for students to ask questions to intervene. Well, do you?
With the students' progress, activity, past (wrong) answers, past chats—everything we have, Cikgo can decide when to step in and provide assistance.
Your students simply won't ever feel lonely again 🤗
helps them like how you help them,
That's right: Cikgo can automatically generate responses to students' questions with the knowledge it has from you: the lessons you create, the way you've been replying, the way you teach.
Here's the cool part: you're always in control.
You can manually reply to anyone.
Or configure Cikgo to only generate drafts that you'll approve before sending.
Or let Cikgo respond automatically once you're confident, so you need only focus on those difficult questions—what's the meaning of life?
Your choice.
yet knows when to step aside.
Also unlike typical learning chatbots, Cikgo knows when to shut it 🤫. Y'know, like when your students keep asking about Chapter 10 when you're still teaching Chapter 2?
If the automatically generated responses don't work, Cikgo will step aside.
If the student's message is rather sensitive, Cikgo will step aside.
You step in, Cikgo learns how you deal with that situation, and be better next time!
Say something here...
And more features for the ultimate personalised learning experience!
Cikgo pools questions from your lessons and periodically sends them as practice to your students. Of course, you can configure which questions, how they appear, how often; the whole shebang.
Previous mistake
Telegram notifications
Your students can set up real-time notifications from Cikgo to their Telegram accounts. They'll stay updated with their lessons, your conversations, and practice questions from Recall. It's like they never left the class.

Personalised timelines
You can configure the starting times and dependencies of your lessons; it's your lesson plan. Cikgo will automatically run the course based on this lesson plan for all your students. They will have their own journeys in Cikgo, but still follow your lesson plan.
Cikgo can also adaptively adjust the starting times of everyone's lessons based on their learning rate2. So, slower students can take their time, faster students can progress, but everyone will still reach the same point of mastery. Leave no man behind.
Integrated with Coursemology
Already using Coursemology? Great! Build your lessons in Cikgo, set up the integration once, and your students'll experience everything you built in Cikgo straight in Coursemology. None of that 'multiple platforms' crap.

We believe that teachers (you!) are at the heart of improving education.
So, we build a tool that empowers you to deliver the best teaching you can. With Cikgo, you can scale your influence up to more students, and down to more personalisation.
We're not here to replace teachers with AI—it's impossible. We're here to use AI to emulate the affective components that make for good, personalised learning experiences so you can teach better. Simple as that.
We're not building yet another chatbot. We're building a better way to teach. For the next generation of education.